Bromelain - A natural anti-inflammatory
Pineapple extract - Bromelain - A natural anti-inflammatory
Did you know that pineapple juice is anti-inflammatory? Pineapples have been used as an herbal remedy for centuries in both Hawaii and Japan. Bromelain is a key anti-inflammatory enzyme found in pineapples. It is extracted from both the juice and the stem of the pineapple and has been studied as an anti-inflammatory since the 1960’s. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in bromelain as an anti-inflammatory.
Also known as pineapple protease, bromelain works by inhibiting inflammatory prostaglandins to reduce inflammation. In dermatology, we use bromelain supplements after procedures to reduce swelling and to speed healing. In one clinical study, swelling and bruising with bromelain was reduced by 5 days after facial surgery.
So if you are looking for a natural anti-inflammatory consider bromelain. There is no standard dose for bromelain, however, most recommend 500 to 1500mg daily for best results.