Prevention Magazine - How to Get Rid of the Dry, Flaky Skin on Your Face

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This article was medically reviewed by Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and member of the Prevention Medical Review Board, on July 11, 2019.

Whether it’s summer, winter, or any season in between, there are days when harsh weather just sucks the moisture straight out of your pores, leaving you with dry, flaky skin.

If you’ve ever dealt with flaky skin on your face, then you know all too well that it can make you look more wrinkly than usual, your makeup can become cakier, and products that didn’t burn before suddenly irritate your complexion to no end. No matter how much moisturizer you slather on, you still manage to feel like an alligator by the end of the day—so what gives?

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